Saint row 3 cars

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If you both try to select a vehicle to steal that your partner already has marked, the game will tell you that it's already in progress. I got credit for 2 or 3 that my buddy was working on halfway across the map, simply because I was working on a different target. It doesn't seem to matter if you've got the same one selected, so long as you both have one marked.

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Assassinations count for both people, if you both have any target selected.For example, if you want the bonus for owning a store, you have to buy that store. Challenges in the Saintsbook and controlling parts of the city are determined separately, co-op or not.Activities and other side missions count for both people if finished in co-op.If the mission unlocks something (ie, a new crib) you'll have access to this in your game, regardless of whether or not you've gotten there yourself. If you finish a story mission in co-op that is ahead of your own story process, when you catch up (in single player or if you're the host next time) you'll have the option to skip this mission.

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I did some research and asked the guys I co-op with.